• Yes, courses are offered based on training staff and machine availability. Please see our training calendar or check with the Training Coordinator if you can’t find what you need.

  • Costs vary with the type of training. Please contact the Training Coordinator for a quote. The cost of the classes includes training materials and manuals, safety glasses, refreshments and lunch.

  • No, lunch will be provided by GED. If there are dietary restrictions, please notify the Training Coordinator prior to your visit.

  • No, tablets with pre-loaded educational materials will be provided to trainees to use over the course of the training period. They will be used to complete daily homework assignments and aid in the learning process.

  • We recommend you wear work or casual clothes and bring safety shoes if you have them. All other safety equipment will be provided.

  • Parking is available at the visitor’s lot (entrance after the shipping entrance, on the right). Visitors will need to sign in at the lobby kiosk and obtain a name badge each day of training. An email invitation will be sent to each visitor prior to training day with instructions on how to log in.

  • We have great nearby options, all of which can be found on our website at www.GEDUSA.com/Training/local-information. Transportation and hotel accommodations are the customers’ responsibility.

  • Turn into the Diamond Parkway Business area. The GED building will be on your right, just before the cul-de-sac. There’s a bus stop across from GED’s visitor parking lot if you choose to utilize public transportation. The current RTA bus schedule can be found here. Transportation and hotel accommodations are the customers’ responsibility.

  • Each class has its own specific schedule. Refer to the Course Directory for schedules by course. Classes typically start at 8:00 AM.

  • Trainees are expected to participate in all training activities and complete daily homework assignments. At the end of training, trainees will be asked to complete a short survey about their visit.

  • Trainees who successfully complete each course are awarded a Training Course Certificate of Completion.

  • Yes, one credit will cover the cost of 8 hours of training. Travel and expenses are billed at cost. 3 credits will be 3 days or a week of training. Travel . Additional training hours are billed at the current service rate per hour.

  • No, but they do hold their purchased value and may depreciate in value if the cost of a course increases. In this case the difference would be billable.

  • Credits that are included with some machine orders are only good for one year from the date of installation. Purchased credits are good indefinitely for the purchased value.